
South African billionaire and founder of Ubuntu Linux operating system, Mark Shuttleworth, has revealed plans to release Ubuntu operating system for smartphones by 2014

Shuttleworth said he planned to venture into the smartphone industry by supplying operating systems that will allow certain cellphones to double as PCs when connected to a monitor and dock.

According to Canonical, the London-based company behind Ubuntu, this will allow handset makers drive sales of multicore phones with faster processors, more RAM and high-end graphics.

The South African billionaire said he was not budged by several prospective challenges that might arise along the way. “We’re sanguine about the challenges that we face, but we know this is an industry that turns itself in every couple years,” he added.

He pointed out that Ubuntu was still the most popular distribution of Linux for the desktop.

He informed, “We are the only Linux distribution that has a full pipeline for developing applications and publishing them to an app store

“We are confident that Ubuntu will ship on phones from large manufacturers in 2013.”

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