An African film company has been gaining global attention by producing award-winning 3D animation titles made from an African perspective
Kenya's first triple-play platform
At Discop Budapest, SCPG highlighted its recent successes with particular focus on its work on the Zuku TV project, Kenya’s first triple-play platform owned by the Wananchi Group
Wi-fi spectrum efficiency in SA
Call to utilise the unused “Super Wi-Fi” that sits between TV channels
4K digital imaging advances
While stereo 3D continues to make headlines with new kit appearing on almost a daily basis, the research and development of 4K technologies appears to be on an equally fast track
Thomson announces convergent video system
Thomson Video Networks have announced the new ViBE VS7000 video system — a fully integrated IP video solution for convergent applications such as Web TV and Over-The-Top (OTT) services delivery as well as traditional IPTV