Zain Group, a mobile telecom innovator in eight markets across the Middle East and Africa, has released its annual thought leadership report “The Circular Economy: Embedding Sustainable Solutions in a bid to Save the Planet”
Ecobank Transnational Incorporated announces new appointments
Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (ETI), the Lomé-based parent company of the Ecobank Group, announces two new appointments and changes on its Board of Directors
Going cashless can reduce COVID-19 spread
As a result of the World Health Organisation (WHO) announcement, people are being advised to use contactless technology instead of cash, as banknotes may be spreading coronavirus
Google to train 20,000 women across Africa
Google has announced that it will train 20,000 women in Africa in ICT and entrepreneurship by the end of this year
Facebook invites application for community accelerator programme
Facebook has announced the launch of the community accelerator programme which will be available in the following countries across sub-Saharan Africa: South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria