
The LoRa Alliance, a global association of companies that supports the open LoRaWAN standard for the Internet of Things (IoT) low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs), has announced its comprehensive agenda for the LoRaWAN World Expo taking place at the Palais des Congrès in Paris, France, 3-4 Dec

Donna Moore, CEO and chairwoman of the LoRa Alliance, said, “Sessions will explore how IoT is improving the way we live and work, and showcase the value LoRaWAN provides in applications like sustainability, safety and achieving efficiencies.”

The multifaceted live programme will feature a wide range of industry leaders on sustainability-related topics, vertical market applications, the latest technological developments, a LoRaWAN for good photo exhibition, LoRaWAN CertifiedCM showcase and hands-on workshops.

Keynote speakers include:

-Donna Moore, CEO and Chairwoman of the LoRa Alliance

-Karthik Ranjan, Amazon Web Services (AWS), LoRaWAN Ecosystem Leader

-Andrew Grill, Technology Advisor & Futurist

-Manuella Cunha Brito, Founder of Good Tech Lab

Panel sessions featuring industry experts:

-Global Smart Cities

-Smart Buildings

-LoRaWAN for Good

-Global LoRaWAN Network Coverage – Use Cases, Lessons Learned and Future -Prospects

-Smart Connections by Satellite

-Digital Transformation for Good

-A series of panels on the environment, focused on protecting water resources, sustainable cities and nature conservation

-A series of regional panels regarding China, India, Europe, Brazil, Africa and -Australia.

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