
SAMENA Telecommunications Council has commenced preparatory efforts to hold its annual Leaders’ Summit, to be held on 18 April 2019 with the patronage of Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) of the UAE

The one-day leaders-only congregation, the Leaders’ Summit 2019, will bring change-makers from the private and public domains together, with the purpose of addressing the industry’s most pressing issues and paving the path for materialising potential collaborative undertakings among the private and government sector stakeholders.

Leaders’ Summit 2019 will follow a new organisation format, designed to maximise by-invitation-only attendance and to achieve efficacy in the multi-stakeholder discussions, including a closed-door bi-lateral meeting among regulatory authorities, operators, and technology providers.

Bocar BA, CEO and board member of SAMENA Council, said, “We would like to see the proliferation of 5G realised in the region sooner than later and thus our focus during Leaders’ Summit 2019 is on understanding the impact of 5G in boosting ICTs and enabling flexibility and enhancing capabilities of new digital services. The areas which require specialised attention are operators’ need for improved spectrum allocation policies, and general regulator-level support for understanding future requirements and multiple dimensions in building the region's digital economy.”

“The Leaders’ Summit 2019 will further empower SAMENA Telecommunications Council to be at the forefront of the campaign for building digital economies, unifying the telecom industry voice, helping optimise the collaboration between operators and regulators and ICT industry service providers towards making a positive impact in the region’s socio-economic development,” he added.

Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, director general of the UAE’s TRA, commented, “We in the UAE rely on 5G to enter the age of the artificial intelligence and to apply the smart cities applications such as IoT. 5G will provide a flexible and adaptive intelligent platform to the mobile operators to connect everything and offer unique digital services. 5G will be the innovation engine to empower the fourth industrial revolution. The TRA is creating a coherent environment to nourish and sustain this growth for the people of the UAE”.

To accelerate the large-scale deployment of 5G, Huawei will host the ‘5G is ON Forum’ as part of the Summit. The event will be an occasion for 5G industry partners to discuss how emerging 5G-enabled intelligent services and innovations can help operators identify new business opportunities and thereby achieve growth. Huawei will also use the event as a platform to demonstrate how its E2E 5G solutions can help the Middle East organisations fully capitalise on the commercialisation of 5G.

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