
Keynote presentations

The conference will include keynote presentations and interactive panel discussions covering all the hot issues affecting the VAS market in Africa including: innovation strategies, managing VAS cost-effectively, understanding the mobile entertainment ecosystem, messaging & social networking, mobile marketing, m-commerce, mobile finances and more.

200+ participants will be able to hear from the leading operators in the VAS market, including:  Rupinder Goel, Chief IT Officer at Airtel Africa; Christian de Faria, Senior Vice President for Commercial and Innovation at MTN Group; Arnauld Blondet, Director in charge of AMEA at Orange Technocentre; Jose De La Torre Chamy, Group Strategy & Planning Director at Etisalat Group; Prins Mhlanga, Managing Executive at Vodacom; Paul N. Mugambi, Senior Manager –VAS at Safaricom, Kenya; José Henriques, Marketing Director at Unitel Angola; Vishal Phlad, Executive for Products and Services at 8ta/Telkom South Africa; Samson Isa, Head of Value Added Services at Globacom Nigeria, Lee-Ann Harris. Head of WASP, Mobile Advertising & Content at Cell C South Africa, and more.

Following the model of other Com World Series events such as AfricaCom, registration is free to African operators in order to facilitate their participation.

VAS Africa takes place 5-6 July 2011, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa.  To find out more and register your place, please visit or please contact: Julie Rey, Conference Director, VAS Africa, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: +44 (0)20 70175394

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