
The VizAfrica 2019 Data Visualisation Symposium will take place at the University of Botswana Gaborone, Botswana, from 18-19 November

The symposium also includes two weeks of summer school training on data science/visualisation.

The theme of the symposium is “Application of Data, Information and Scientific Visualization for Resource Management and Sustainability”.

The symposium is part of the University’s mission to improve Botswana’s economic and social conditions while advancing as a distinctly African University with a regional and international outlook.

In fulfilling its mandate, the University holds such conferences in reaching out to and interacting with the international community, the general public, entrepreneurs, scientists and policymakers on advances in technological innovations for social-economic development and industrialisation.

More than 300 participants from government ministries, universities, research organisations, corporate, small and medium-sized industries (SMEs), policymakers from vital economic sectors and international organisations are expected to attend.

The symposium has six strands on the following topics:

-Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

-Computer Graphics, Media and Animation

-Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security

-Data Analytics, Visualisation and Internet of Things (IoT)

-Policy Design, Analysis and Strategic Management

-Universal Health Coverage

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