
Radio-switchboard-Rhea C

South Africas first 24-hour government-owned online radio station, Ubuntu Radio, is carrying out an evaluation of its programming order and content

Following eight months of broadcasting, the Department of International Relations and Co-operation (Dirco) recently stated that from the start of next month, the station will set-up a new programming schedule and group of presenters, as well as scaling down operations. 

The new changes will allow some presenters making way for new voices and content that is in line with the vision of Ubuntu Radio, which is being the authority on “telling the African story by Africans from an African perspective,” Dirco said. Despite the changes Dirco will stick to their daily production and work routine, including reporting on major events such as the State of the Nation Address live.

"The decision to scale down has only affected the external contributors to the station," stated Clayson Monyela Dirco spokesperson.

"The view is to ensure that Ubuntu Radio not only maintains its position as a trendsetter, but also that it becomes a serious player in the broadcasting industry in general and grows from strength to strength," added Monyela.

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