South Africa’s Space Commercial Services Holdings (SCSH) has signed an agreement with a Chinese satellite operator for marketing and sales of high-resolution satellite imagery
Eutelsat launches TV broadcasting satellite for MENA
Eutelsat Communications today confirmed the successful launch of its Eutelsat 8 West B satellite
GX to become first high-speed global broadband service
Inmarsat has announced the launch date for its third Global Xpress (GX) broadband satellite, Inmarsat-5 F3 (I-5 F3)
New satellite to improve North Africa broadcast service
Broadcast services in North Africa are going to benefit from the launch of Eutelsat Communications’ latest satellite, EUTELSAT 8 West B
Avanti’s satellite to power broadband in South Africa
Avanti Communications Group (Avanti) has signed a new contract with South Africa’s Foundation for African Business and Consumer Services (FABCOS) and its new major business incubator programme, Microtelco e-ncubator