
SES Broadband Services has signed an agreement with SatADSL for the distribution of its satellite broadband service, SES Broadband, in sub-Saharan Africa

The service will be provided via the ASTRA 4A satellite located at the orbital position of five degrees east.

SatADSL will start marketing SES Broadband from 15 September 2012 to provide internet access to businesses, banks, non-governmental organisations and governmental institutions in remote areas throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The facilities will aim at providing critical applications such as financial transactions and reliable data transfers.

The broadband internet package includes Voice over IP (VoIP) and will offer download speeds of up to 4Mbits.

SatADSL’s service offering also enables its customers to manage their service via a Virtual Network Operator (VNO).

“More and more African countries see broadband access as a key for economic success," said managing director of SES Broadband Services, Patrick Biewer.

"While there are plans to increase fibre connectivity across the African continent, currently more than 400mn people on the continent have no internet access at all. Through the use of satellite technology we will be able to close the digital divide.”

SatADSL CEO Thierry Eltges said, “We are delighted about the agreement with SES Broadband Services to pioneer attractive, high-end satellite broadband services in Africa and are proud to offer specialised services and VNO capabilities at highly competitive prices.” 

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