The level of service and support a customer receives from a contact centre
has become an important gauge of a companys commitment to service
The level of service and support a customer receives from a contact centre
has become an important gauge of a companys commitment to service
Netia a annoncé que sur les douze derniers mois, l’entreprise a renforcé sa présence en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient, où nouveaux et anciens clients ont montré leur confiance dans les solutions de l’entreprise en contribuant aux 16% de croissance réalisés sur l’année 2009.
Andrew Kuong is Minister of Information and Communication, Unity State, Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS). Earlier this year, Mr Kuong sought to highlight the opportunities for business in Sudan.p>Andrew Kuong is Minister of Information and Communication, Unity State, Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS). Earlier this year, Mr Kuong sought to highlight the opportunities for business in Sudan.
The UK Department for International Development (DfID) has committed £8mn to a technology programme run by microfinance group CGAP designed to increase access to financial services for the poor.
p>The UK Department for International Development (DfID) has committed £8mn to a technology programme run by microfinance group CGAP designed to increase access to financial services for the poor.