Insurance companies are competing for customers on new, more direct platforms - like the Internet and contact centres.
p>Insurance companies are competing for customers on new, more direct platforms - like the Internet and contact centres.Commerce
Solution for service management
Nevion, formerly Network/VPG, a video transport solution provider for broadcasters, service providers and government entities, announced the Nevion DataMiner Cube, a user interface for service management of video over IP, SONET/SDH and fibre overlay.
p lang="en-GB" style="border-bottom: medium none; text-align: left; border-left: #dddddd 1pt solid; padding-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 0.42cm; font-style: normal; margin: 0.21cm 0.21cm 0.53cm; padding-left: 0.05cm; padding-right: 0.05cm; border-top: medium none; border-right: #dddddd 1pt solid; padding-top: 0cm;">Nevion, formerly Network/VPG, a video transport solution provider for broadcasters, service providers and government entities, announced the Nevion DataMiner Cube, a user interface for service management of video over IP, SONET/SDH and fibre overlay.Optimised routing upgraded
Intec, providers of Business Support System (BSS) solutions, has announced the availability of Version 5 of InterconnecT Optimised Routing, its wholesale trading and routing product.
Intec, providers of Business Support System (BSS) solutions, has announced the availability of Version 5 of InterconnecT Optimised Routing, its wholesale trading and routing product.
Emergency contact centres - where inefficiency can cost lives
The level of service and support a customer receives from a contact centre
has become an important gauge of a companys commitment to service
Installations majeures réalisées avec des diffuseurs et gestionnaires de contenu média
Netia a annoncé que sur les douze derniers mois, l’entreprise a renforcé sa présence en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient, où nouveaux et anciens clients ont montré leur confiance dans les solutions de l’entreprise en contribuant aux 16% de croissance réalisés sur l’année 2009.