Multinational corporations can take advantage of a new network alliance Verizon has formed with Gateway Business Africa that will expand Verizon Business Private IP network capabilities in several African countries
Operational transformation needed in the digital world
Information moves to the centre stage for business models
African customer service: growth and understanding
Report outlines priorities for industry and governments to advance cloud computing
A new report produced by the World Economic Forum with the support of Accenture, Advancing Cloud Computing: What to Do Now? Priorities for Industry and Governments, was launched at the World Economic Forum on Latin America during a session on cloud computing, which was moderated by Accenture’s chairman, Bill Green.
p>A new report produced by the World Economic Forum with the support of Accenture, Advancing Cloud Computing: What to Do Now? Priorities for Industry and Governments, was launched at the World Economic Forum on Latin America during a session on cloud computing, which was moderated by Accenture’s chairman, Bill Green.