

When it comes to delivering voice, video and data to mobile subscribers, business enterprises and governments, few areas of the world are more challenging than the African continent.

p>When it comes to delivering voice, video and data to mobile subscribers, business enterprises and governments, few areas of the world are more challenging than the African continent.

MTN Cameroon has successfully launched ‘MTN Virtual’, a service that considerably transforms the economics of individual telephony access and has enabled MTN to gain rapid entry into the vast and under-penetrated BOP (base of pyramid) consumer segment.

p>MTN Cameroon has successfully launched ‘MTN Virtual’, a service that considerably transforms the economics of individual telephony access and has enabled MTN to gain rapid entry into the vast and under-penetrated BOP (base of pyramid) consumer segment.

Evistel, provider of core Value Added Services and real-time rating and charging solutions, is launching its Open Service Builder, a user-friendly graphical tool allowing fast and easy Value Added Services deployment.

p>Evistel, provider of core Value Added Services and real-time rating and charging solutions, is launching its Open Service Builder, a user-friendly graphical tool allowing fast and easy Value Added Services deployment.

Forgetmenot Software, A specialist in unified messaging for telecommunications operators, financial institutions and enterprises, has launched its Message Optimiser service worldwide.

p>Forgetmenot Software, A specialist in unified messaging for telecommunications operators, financial institutions and enterprises, has launched its Message Optimiser service worldwide.

Sicap a annoncé SA capacité à fournir, sans distinction aucune, des applications sans contact à nimporte quel appareil ou carte SIM compatible avec les services de NFC (communications en champ proche).

p>Sicap a annoncé SA capacité à fournir, sans distinction aucune, des applications sans contact à nimporte quel appareil ou carte SIM compatible avec les services de NFC (communications en champ proche).

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